Back to the Affiliate Interface, and today’s addition to the interface is something that came up and was suggested by an attendee at our innaugural “ThinkTank” event this past November in Las Vegas. Over the years we’ve received a ton of valued suggestions – and you all have helped shaped how ShareASale works… so thank […]
Posts for retailers and merchants utilizing ShareASale including guides, alerts, tutorials and infographics.
Month of the Interface: Feb 6
After three straight days of reporting upgrades for Affiliates, we decided to turn to the Merchant interface for a feature add… On the Reports menu you will now see a listing for “Datafeed and FTP Downloads”, if you were to click on that you come to the following report which will show you the number […]
Month of the Interface: Feb 5
Greetings and Happy Monday to everyone. Although our hometown of Chicago is a bit subdued today due to the Bears’ loss on Sunday, I am still excited to bring you the latest “Interface Update” from our ongoing series…. We’ve added some filters and search criteria to the Affiliate “Account Activity” page, wheras you can search […]
Month of the Interface: Feb 2
Feb 2 brings us another feature update… Stick with the Merchant Timespam Report, but now click on the link next to each merchant that says “View Details” after you’ve run a timespan… What we are looking at now is a drill down of exactly which days are in that timespan, and the click/transactions that took […]
Month of the Interface: Feb 1
Welcome to a string of blogs that will introduce features from our “Month of the Interface” which begins today, February 1st. :) Each business day we will introduce a new feature or report, some will be “big” changes, some “little” ones. As we go along, some of the reports we are introducing in stages so […]
February: The Month of the Interface!
Well everyone, some exciting news… We’ve decided to make this February 2007 the official “Month of the Interface”. What does this mean? Each and every business day during the month we will be announcing an implemented feature update to either the Affiliate Interface or the Merchant Interface… Some of these suggestions came via the “Thing […]
Holiday Center
In an effort to further help both affiliates and merchants on the ShareASale network – we’re experimenting with a new method in organizing merchant listings. Starting today, we’ll be allowing merchants to indicate which holidays throughout the year are most effective for the different types of products that they market. For example, a merchant who […]
PPC Bidding by Affiliates
Recently, there have been a lot of questions about how to manage both a PPC search campaign and an affiliate program. Affiliates can be very valuable partners in PPC search, however, if you – as a merchant – wish to place certain rules on which terms are allowed, and which are not, there are two […]
Two-Tiered Programs
It was brought to my attention that a blog containing some instruction or explanation of “Two-Tiered” programs could be helpful…so here it is: A two tiered program is designed to incentivize your current affiliates, to go out an recruit more affililates for you. There are two basic ways to do this: 1. Provide them with […]
Return Days Analysis
I wanted to make you aware of a report recently available to you in your ShareASale account. It is called the “Return Days Analysis” and it is designed to give you a good idea as to how shoppers are buying through your affiliate links. We created “buckets” in the report for sales that were completed […]