Stuck on what to blog about this summer? Use this post to guide you and keep your readers up-to-date on the coming month’s holidays! July is packed with great things to blog about, and it starts off with the red, white and blue festivities for the 4th of July and wraps up with the International Day of Friendship. Guide your readers in their holiday party preparations.
Let this post help you to plan ahead and stay on top of your content this July!
Pop Culture Events in July
July 1st = Canada Day
July 4th = Independence Day
July 13th = ESPY Awards
July 14th = Bastille Day
July 24th = Parents Day
Unique Events in July
July 1st = International Joke Day
July 2nd = World UFO Day
July 9th = Sugar Cookie Day
July 17th = National Ice Cream Day
July 23rd = National Hot Dog Day
July 30th = International Day of Friendship
Post Ideas
July kicks off with the celebration of The United States’ Independence! Online shoppers are busy planning 4th of July picnics, parties and barbecues of all kind. Some of the top search keywords include “4th of July Recipes”, “Fireworks”, “4th of July Decorations”, and “4th of July Crafts”. July 4th spending has steadily increased over the past 5 years, with the average American spending roughly $300, so there is a growing audience to capture. 66% of these searches were done by women, so don’t forget to tailor your 4th of July blog posts to your party planning women out there! Here are some blog title ideas to capture their attention:
July 4th Backyard BBQ Essentials
Celebrating the 4th of July
Easy Independence Day Recipes
Fireworks on the Fourth
Fourth of July Celebration
Everything Red, White, and Blue
Merchant Suggestions:
I scream! You scream! We all scream for ice cream! July is also National Ice Cream Month. What better way to cool down from the scorching July sun than with a cold ice cream cone! Include a blog post about your favorite summer treats, and the best ways to beat the heat. Use these title suggestions to get started:
Beat the Summer Heat
Best Ice Cream Flavors
Stay Cool with these Homemade Ice Cream Recipes
Summertime Treats
Merchants Suggestions:
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