If you haven’t noticed by now… YES, I am a WordPress Fan! Why is this? Well…….
Fact: it is simple for anyone one to use, but bigger than that… there are the thousands upon thousands of plugins available at your fingertips there just to help enhance your sites performance. Pretty much any task that you are looking to accomplish there IS a plugin available. Everything from site maps… to social bookmarking… to spam control.
There are also some paid WordPress themes that have everything already included such as Thesis, but I thought I would share a few of my favorites and feel free to tell me what some of your favorites are!
My Top 5:
Sexy Bookmarks
All in one SEO pack
Backtype Tweetcount
WP Super Cache
Let me know some of yours! :)
During a recent traffic spike my hosting company strongly recommended that I switch from WP Super Cache to W3 Total Cache. Here is just one of many articles I have read lately that support the move to W3 Total Cache.
I also like Sexy Bookmarks, Random Text, WP-Cycle and others depending on what I need them for.
Love the whiteboard sessions – good stuff!
Since I share a lot of code on my site, I like SyntaxHighlighter Evolved. It handles wrapping & syntax highlighting so I can just paste code into WordPress, and it’s nicely shared with my readers.
Plugins are love! YAARP (Yet Another Related Post Plugin), Contact Form 7, CommentLuv, WP Touch, Dagon Design Sitemap Generator (makes gorgeous sitemaps)and SubHeading are must haves on all of my blogs.
As for my non-Thesis blogs, I use the All in One SEO Plugin. Brian Gardner’s themes also have SEO built into them now, though. I might not have much use for the All in One much longer!
A premium plugin I’m hooked on and highly recommend is the Scribe SEO plugin. It’s all that AND a Latte. Very, very much worth the price. It’s more than just a helpful plugin, it’s actually an education in SEO.
Your website speed is crucial both for visitors and Big Daddy Google.
W3 Total Cache is a must have plugin for your blog or other CMS. This is the fastest and most complete WordPress performance plugin. Dramatically improve the speed and user experience of your site. Add browser, page, object and database caching as well as minify and content delivery network (CDN) to WordPress.
My top five favorites are:
* broken link checker
* do follow
* easy contact
* wp-thumbie
* twitter tools
since we are on a shareasale blog why not share a plugin that ties to shareasale.
Feed-monster will take available datafeeds and turn them into wordpress posts.
While this in itself is no magic, working with datafeeds still has a steep learning curve for new affiliates without programming knowledge. Feed-monster is plain and may even be limited, but is extremely simple to use and straightforward for any novice to use.
Thanks feed monster. Just what I needed. I have not worked with data feed and have been searching the whole day and doing some reading on working with data feed. Again thanks for posting, I am heading now to feed-monster.
Jason Rubacky,
i want to share my favorites which is Random Text, WP-Cycle
WP-Cufón – Enables Cufón font-replacement in WordPress – After installation you only have to put your generated font-files to /wp-content/plugins/fonts/ directory.
Backing up your blog is also important! IDrive provides a free WordPress plugin to backup your database to the cloud – check it out!
The new Yoast plugin “WordPress SEO” is the best available free seo plugin available. It has some really cool tools that allow you to see how you post would look on google with a snippet view in your WP dashboard while you are creating your post. It also gives you other keyword suggestions and lets you know if your meta tags and descriptions are correct based on your post title. You should check it out. http://yoast.com
Excellent blog and great posts.I really liked the way you present your ideas to the readers.
I can’t help but throw our own plugins into the mix. We make plugins that provide quick and easy templates for landing pages (MaxLanding), squeeze pages (MaxSqueeze), and sales pages (MaxSales). And to compliment all of those we even have an easy-to-use plugin for A/B testing (MaxA/B).
You can check them all out http://maxfoundry.com/.
For SEO try WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast – excellent tool, also SEO friendly images. Although if anyone knows of any really good image seo plugins I’d love to hear.
Great post. Thanks for sharing.
Nice posts.!
Thank everybody share your experience.
I use some plugins below for my website:
W3 Total Cache
All in one SEO pack
Yet Another Related Posts Plugin
Automatic SEO Links
BWP Google XML Sitemaps
And you?
Very Interesting with technology moving like the speed of lightning it’s good to share experiences
I just want to thank everybody for the info Me My-
Great collected works! i like WordPress.
I just bought and implemented Digi Traffic Multiplier and build a whole website around it. Anyone else using automated content?
Does anyone know of a GOOD free shareasale plugin for wordpress? I am trying lane.66 (dot)com free one, but it’s not working correctly.
I have a client running on WooCommerce. Trying to get shareasale to work is not easy. I only found one person that actually set this up for the vendor (not the affiliate) but I can not get the code to actually send the data when testing it through shareasale. Anyone know a good place to start or a plugin to use for the vendor side?
Have you contacted our Support Team as of yet, we can help you get through it in most cases.