There are many things that you can do as a Merchant to impress prospective Affiliates and get them excited to be part of your Program. Let’s focus on three account settings that you can update or add if you have not yet. These simple tasks can be completed quickly and will show Affiliates that you are proactive and receptive to them.
1. Program Bio
The Program Bio section of your account settings is where you will put in the paragraph that describes what makes your company unique and competitive.
When Affiliates are searching for new programs to join, they will be presented with descriptions of Merchants. This is the bio they will see, so you will want to be as descriptive as possible. Remember, this is your first impression to potential Affiliates!
You can use HTML in order to be more creative with this section. Make sure to highlight products and marketing opportunities for the Affiliates using images with the same branding, look, and feel of your actual site!
Include the Affiliate Manager’s contact information in this section. Knowing that the account is actively managed by a person that they can easily reach out to is crucial to Affiliates.
2. Auto Deposit
Setting up your program to run with Auto Deposit has many benefits. Mainly, you can rest assured that your account will never go offline and cause your Affiliate links to become inactive.
Affiliates love Merchants who have Auto Deposit setup because they never have to worry about scrambling to replace dead links with other active Merchants links. We advertise this account feature to Affiliates by including an icon in the Merchant Search listings.
Auto deposit is very simple to setup from the edit account settings page. You will be able to set up your low balance trigger and how much you would like to deposit when the dollar amount reaches that threshold inside your account.
3. Auto-Reply Emails
In your edit settings page, you will see three large boxes all titled “Reply Email Text.” One is for when the Affiliate applies, one is for when they are approved, and one is for when they are declined. These can either be filled with plain text or HTML depending on your preference.
Affiliates like having Merchants who communicate with them and are open to discussing why a decision was made, whether that decision is is an approval for a program to something like a voided sale. This area in your settings page is the first chance you will get to “speak” to the Affiliate.
Your reply email for an Affiliate applying for your program should include a brief overview of your program, a particular time frame of your review process, and your contact information. You need to set expectations on your approval status to Affiliates in this email.
The reply email for declined Affiliates should include such things as reasons for the decline. You can be a broad or specific as you like here, but the Affiliates do prefer more thorough reasoning as it helps them understand what they may be missing to gain access to more Merchant Programs. By giving the Affiliate more information, it can help them better state their case, and you may find they make a good fit overall in your program.
Your approval email is the perfect place for using HTML code as you can include items such as your banners, links to your deals/coupons, and any promotions you may be running in the network. Merchants will show off their program a bit in these emails as they welcome a new Affiliate. Make sure you restate the value of your program to the Affiliate and get them excited to be a partner with you! Always make sure you have your contact information in there as well, keeping the communication lines open is a big part of strengthening your relationships!