The Product Showcase Tool is a fantastic way to spotlight products on your website or blog. It can be found under the “Tools” tab in the Affiliate homepage.
The Product Showcase Tool allows you to create a banner of Merchant products by either category or keyword. Unlike the Make-A-Page Tool though, you will not have control over the specific products that appear as its tied to the Merchants datafeed. The products will rotate upon each page load.
For example, say you make a Product Showcase with a sports Merchant and keyword phrase “shirts.” As the season goes on, you may see your showcase change from different teams to special events like the All-Star Game and the playoffs. You get the benefit of dynamically showcasing a variety of products while never having to replace the banner or code on your actual website.
Learn how to create your Product Showcase from this blog. It is simple and quick to set up. Here are three main features to remember about Product Showcases:
- They can contain products from either a single Merchant or multiple Merchants.
- Products and content are based on a Merchant’s Datafeed – so you’ll see the best results with those Merchants that utilize the Datafeed feature the best.
- The products will not always be the same! This is dynamic data based on your search query or category and will change on a regular basis.
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