One of the easiest ways for our Merchants to increase exposure is by choosing to become a Featured Program. There are different options to choose from that will spotlight your Merchant Program around the Affiliate Interface.
Some of these options include:
1. Featured Program of the Week
This program displays your logo and description of your Merchant Program on the Opening of the Affiliate Home Page. There are two spots available per week.
2. Featured Program of your Category
This program displays your logo and description of your Merchant Program at the top of your individual category page and is an exclusive spot (1 ad).
3. New Programs in the last 20 days
One of the most frequently visited pages by our Affiliate base, it is the directory of all of our new programs that have been listed in the last 20 days. A favorite place for Affiliates to visit when looking for new Merchants to the ShareASale network. List your program at the very top of the “NEW” programs category.
4. Datafeeds Page
This page is the directory of all merchants who provide a datafeed for use by affiliates. Your graphic (provided by merchant) is listed in rotation with no more than five other programs. To maximize this program, the creative used should mention and talk specifically about the datafeed.
5. Program Directory
This page is the directory of all of our Merchant Programs. Your graphic (provided by Merchant) is listed in rotation with no more than five other programs.
6. Additional Category
You may join an additional category if you feel your program is better suited in more than one.
7. Affiliate Invitations
Private invitations to top performing Affiliates in a category that are not yet in your program.
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