ShareASale Featured Placements are an excellent way for Merchants to recruit new Affiliate Partners. Our Client Services team has many different options that the Merchant can choose from to upsell their program and gain better exposure in the ShareASale Network.
Some of these options include:
- Holiday Center – Showcase your program during a holiday or season that is geared towards your products.
- Affiliate Log In Page – This is our most popular placement: We will feature your program prominently on the page Affiliates are directed to when they log in to their accounts.
- New Program Page – Be featured at the top of our “new” programs category which is frequently visited when Affiliates are looking for the hottest newcomers to the network.
These are just a few of the placements available to Merchants to choose from on the Featured Placement page (https://account.shareasale.com/m-featuredprograms.cfm). There is a cost associated with each, but it is negligible compared to the thousands of potential Affiliate Partners you will reach. This is an easy way to advertise your program and grow it rapidly!
Using macros in your Affiliate newsletters is a great way to speed up the process of finding and inserting content. There are many macros to choose from that will automatically place specific Affiliate information into the newsletter when used – even when sent to multiple recipients.
To maximize your recruitment efforts, make sure you have a landing page for your Affiliate Program info available to the public! This is a great page to have on your website to support recruitment efforts because it opens up another path to discovery for a new Affiliate.
Welcome to part two of “Engaging Affiliates After Q4”! As you may recall, part one covered how a Merchant can utilize our tagging feature to execute various engagement strategies. In part 2, I will cover how you can use the 4 “I’s” to bring a …
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