Did you know that World Smile Day is celebrated in honor of the original creator of the smiley face? Harvey Ball, an American artist, is recognized as the inspiration behind the icon that has made its way to the top, and currently reigns superior as most frequently used emoticon. Unlike many questionable holidays (Penguin Day, Deviled Egg Day, Cheeseburger Day), World Smile Day has a pretty interesting origin. It also has no shortage of supporters. A smile is pretty powerful thing and today is a good reminder that even when you’re not having the greatest day a smile is never very far way.
We asked employees around the office:
“What never fails to bring a smile to your face?”
Tiffany, Agency Relationship Manager: Corny Jokes.

“Hands down David tells the best ones and they always seem to come out at the most random times. Like when we’re brainstorming or problem-solving. Corny jokes never fail to lighten the mood.”
Here are some favorites:
Q: How does a train eat?
A: It goes “chew chew!”
Q: What sport do you play with a wombat?
Ryan, Tech Lead: My dog, Tucker.

“This photo is from a professional photoshoot that we had done – there are probably about 20 of him so it was hard to choose just one. He makes me smile because he is always happy to see me. He will be 6 in February – mark your calendars!”
Sarah, Graphic Designer: 90’s Boy Bands.

“They remind me of when I was a kid. I was obsessed with the bands and I still know every single word of all the songs. It doesn’t matter how old I get, I will always appreciate them. It’s an easy way to smile. Just turn on some music!”
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