There won’t be a daily blog post today on #Q4Prep, as ShareASale will be closed for the day. We look forward to continuing our blog series tomorrow, September 12.
Each year, we close for the day in memory of those lives lost, and to honour the heroes from that morning and thousands of other mornings when peace was chosen over war. The events of September 11, 2001 touched millions of us both here in the United States of America, and abroad. For each life that was stolen, a memory and a legacy was left behind to carry – and for those who carry them, life has changed forever.
Each year, we close our offices today and we encourage others to take this day in remembrance not only of what was lost, but also in celebration of everything that we have in our lives. The families of victims from that morning would give anything to spend one morning with their loved ones, we encourage you to go out and live today to the fullest that you can. Affiliate Marketing can wait until another day.
All tracking for transactions will be working as normal today, however, any fees that ShareASale would normally collect will be donated to the International Relief Fund, managed by the Red Cross. Donations to this fund go towards helping the Red Cross assist and aid in tragedies that occur all over the world, and you can add your donation by visiting the Red Cross here.
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American Red Cross | Disaster Relief, CPR Certification, Donate BloodDisaster relief at home and abroad, CPR certification and first aid courses, blood donation, and emergency preparedness. Support the American Red Cross today.

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