New Datafeed Fields – Mobile URL/Image/Thumbnail
On 9/16 ShareASale will release three new fields to the affiliate product datafeed. These new fields will be in columns 42, 43 and 44, which were previously “Reserved for Future Use”. The three new fields are for mobile optimization:
- MobileURL: A ShareASale tracking URL that will deliver the end user to the product’s page optimized for mobile.
- MobileImage: A URL to the product image, optimized for mobile.
- MobileThumbnail: A URL to the product thumbnail image, optimized for mobile.
The total number of columns in the feed has not changed, so this change should be backward compatible. We are simultaneously releasing these columns to Merchants, so you should not expect to see these fields populated with data on day 1.
The full datafeed specification is below:
Column Order | Data | Data Type | Max Length | Description |
1 | ProductID | Integer | 8 bytes | ShareASale generated ID for use in conjunction with our online tools. Should not be used as a primary key. |
2 | Name | Text | 255 characters | Product Name |
3 | MerchantID | Integer | 8 bytes | MerchantID number |
4 | Merchant | Text | 255 characters | Merchant Name |
5 | Link | URL | 255 characters | URL to the product’s page |
6 | Thumbnail | URL | 255 characters | URL to the products thumbnail image |
7 | BigImage | URL | 255 characters | URL to the product’s large image |
8 | Price | Numeric | 2 decimal places | Product price |
9 | RetailPrice | Numeric | 2 decimal places | Product full retail price (or MSRP) |
10 | Category | Text | 50 characters | ShareASale defined Category |
11 | Subcategory | Text | 50 characters | ShareASale defined Subcategory |
12 | Description | Text | No character limit | Product Description (HTML allowed) |
13 | Custom1 | Text | 255 characters | Merchant Defined Data |
14 | Custom2 | Text | 255 characters | Merchant Defined Data |
15 | Custom3 | Text | 255 characters | Merchant Defined Data |
16 | Custom4 | Text | 255 characters | Merchant Defined Data |
17 | Custom5 | Text | 255 characters | Merchant Defined Data |
18 | Lastupdated | DateTime | N/A | Last updated date |
19 | Status | Text | 50 characters | Stock Status. instock refers to product in stock |
20 | Manufacturer | Text | 255 characters | Product Manufacturer |
21 | PartNumber | Text | 255 characters | Manufacture’s part number |
22 | MerchantCategory | Text | 255 characters | Merchant defined category |
23 | MerchantSubcategory | Text | 255 characters | Merchant defined subcategory |
24 | ShortDescription | Text | 255 characters | Short description (no HTML) |
25 | ISBN | Text | 25 characters | Product ISBN number |
26 | UPC | Text | 25 characters | Product UPC |
27 | SKU | Text | 255 characters | Merchant SKU for this product. This is a unique value, and can be used to generate a primary key. |
28 | CrossSell | Text | 255 characters | Comma separated list of SKU values that cross sell with the product. |
29 | MerchantGroup | Text | 255 characters | 3rd level category (sub subcategory) for the product |
30 | MerchantSubgroup | Text | 255 characters | 4th level cateogy (sub sub subcategory) for the product. |
31 | CompatibleWith | Text | 255 characters | Comma separated list of compatible items in format of Manufacturer~PartNumber. |
32 | CompareTo | Text | 255 characters | Comma separated list of items this product can replace in format of Manufacturer~PartNumber. |
33 | QuantityDiscount | Text | 255 characters | Comma separated list in the format of minQuantity~maxQuantity~itemCost. Blank Max Quantity represents a top tier. |
34 | Bestseller | Bit | 1 | A 1 indicates a best selling product. Null values or zero are non-bestsellers. |
35 | AddToCartURL | URL | 255 characters | URL that adds this product directly into the shopping cart. |
36 | ReviewsRSSURL | URL | 255 characters | URL to RSS formatted reviews for this product. |
37 | Option1 | Text | 255 characters | Comma separated list of product options in the format optionName~priceChangeInDollarsPerUnit. |
38 | Option2 | Text | 255 characters | Comma separated list of product options in the format optionName~priceChangeInDollarsPerUnit. |
39 | Option3 | Text | 255 characters | Comma separated list of product options in the format optionName~priceChangeInDollarsPerUnit. |
40 | Option4 | Text | 255 characters | Comma separated list of product options in the format optionName~priceChangeInDollarsPerUnit. |
41 | Option5 | Text | 255 characters | Comma separated list of product options in the format optionName~priceChangeInDollarsPerUnit. |
42 | MobileURL | URL | 255 characters | URL to the product’s page, optimized for mobile. |
43 | MobileImage | URL | 255 characters | URL to the product’s large image, optimized for mobile. |
44 | MobileThumbnail | URL | 255 characters | URL to the products thumbnail image, optimized for mobile. |
45 | ReservedForFutureUse | – | – | Reserved for future use. |
46 | ReservedForFutureUse | – | – | Reserved for future use. |
47 | ReservedForFutureUse | – | – | Reserved for future use. |
48 | ReservedForFutureUse | – | – | Reserved for future use. |
49 | ReservedForFutureUse | – | – | Reserved for future use. |
50 | ReservedForFutureUse | – | – | Reserved for future use. |
51 | ReservedForFutureUse | – | – | Reserved for future use. |
Working on my site to be view in both desktop and mobile with out having two sites, one for each. Will I be able to use the new code for both or will I have to use desktop and mobile as separate site and listing. The sites at and can be used mobile or desktops using 1 address and no redirect to mobile from desktops.
Great overview on the topic indeed! But i have a question there what does mean by direct product url here?? Thumbinal image url?? full image url??
If you need specific help on these, feel free to contact us through the “Help” link in your account and we can get back to you.