For updated information on how to create your own HTML Program Bio, please read this Help Center article.
Making a great first impression is part of communication training 101. A great impression can be crucial in the business world because a bad first impression can be, at times, nearly impossible to reverse. Therefore, it is important to take time to think about create a polished message whenever and wherever your business will be presented for the first time.
It takes just a quick glance, maybe three seconds, for someone to evaluate you when you meet for the first time.
A new business encounter includes anytime your Affiliate program is viewed by prospective Affiliate partners. This is where the program bio comes in. The program bio is a place for Merchants to provide a description of what their program has to offer and the opportunity to essentially sell the Affiliate on why they should join the program. Affiliates are your business partners so you want to provide useful information, be intriguing, and present your program at its best.
Using HTML to create a Program Bio can be an easy way to make that first impression to Affiliates more appealing. Below, I have provided screenshots of an HTML Program Bio that can be used as a temple. The highlighted sections contain sections that can be edited to include personalized information about a specific program.
Below is a screenshot of a program bio created with HTML. I’ll be dissecting the code piece by piece to show you exactly where you can update the code to make it personalized for your program. At the very end of this post, you will find the full HTML code template that can copy/pasted, edited and savedĀ for your own use.

Logo and Contact Information:

Company and Product Description:

Program Highlights:

Product Preview:

Contact Information:

And Now…the Full Program Bio HTML Code!
If you would like to use the Program Bio featured in today’s post, you can copy and paste the HTML code below into a new document. Make the edits as illustrated in the step-by-step instructions above and paste your completed document into the “Program Bio” text box on the Edit Settings page.
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