World Environment Day was established in 1972 and is organized by the United Nations Environment Programme as an annual celebration to bring political awareness and positive action to the global environment.
Every June 5 we are encouraged to understand how every person from all over the world can be a change agent towards a more sustainable existence and greener, cleaner environment for now and future generations.
Even small changes in our regular routine can make a lasting impact towards cleaner living. For example bringing reusable bags to the grocery store rather than using plastic, biking or walking instead of driving to an errand, switching to public transportation on a commute, or organizing your own local neighborhood clean-up.
Our winners can do all sorts of earth friendly things with their Spring Fling prize. The cardboard box could double as a nice planter, or bill organizer perhaps? The cash could be used as a down payment on a shiny new compost bringing your household one step closer to eliminating food waste! However you plan on spending your World Environment Day, we wish you great success in your green endeavors! Yea Earth!
WOOOOOW! I just got the package today and holy cow! What an awesome present!
Thank you all so very, very much. Not just for the very cool World Environment Day care package, but for all you do to make our business run the best affiliate programs possible.
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