The look he shot her was incredulous in the extreme. “You have a filing system for your shoes?” ~Wilson
I should start out this post by saying I may be one of the most if not the most shoe obsessed person here at ShareASale. In fact, the quote above only slightly fits my obsession. My “problem” has gotten so bad that I am contemplating moving to a larger apartment just so I can have a room where I can see all of my shoes lined up and not to have to hide a few in my closet.
Based on this “problem” I have, it should come as no surprise that I seriously consider which shoes to wear to conferences and more importantly where to buy the shoe.
When thinking of conference shoes, I am normally trying to accomplish a few things. First, I want to have a shoe that is professional but retains my own sense of style. I am usually the person who has on some really “wicked” oxfords about which I have received a few compliments. I will note that in after conference hours, I like to dress it down so there needs to be an alternate pair of shoes for those occasions.
The second really important factor is comfort. As we all know, the conference floors seem not to be made for comfort, so a really high quality shoe is a must.
This leads to the third factor which is quality. Due to my obsession I do buy a lot of shoes, but I want them to last. So, I pay really close attention to the brands I buy and the reputation of that brand.
After doing some research, I have found the 5 best brands from which to buy shoes for conferences.

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