Black Friday / Cyber Monday is right around the corner and as many of you already know, we collect merchant deals and steals specifically for this holiday weekend. The special deals database has been compiled and is ready for your big sales weekend marketing push!
To access these deals, simply click here when you are logged into your Affiliate account: Black Friday/Cyber Monday Deals Database
All of these deals also appear in the Deal Database and RSS Feed, so if that’s how you already pull everything, then you’ll see them there too marked with the keyword phrases “Black Friday or Cyber Monday”.
Gobble Gobble!
Just signed up w/shareasale this morning and am waiting to get approved, then found this post through a google search this afternoon, caught my attention because my site, (very new and maybe a little late) deals primarily with black friday and cyber monday. So I am pleased to see that you cater to these two shopping days, and hope to be better prepared next year and part of the shareasale team. Still gonna give it my all this year though.
I just signed up and boy am I glad I did. What a simple and clear signup process. No hassle easy to navigate in the system. Right up my alley. Terrific products for my blog reviews, awesome!