Happy Monday everyone… we’ve received quite a few emails and such this past week asking about the EPC metric, and how affiliates can use it to their advantage in picking out and researching programs…so we’ve decided to write about it.
Take a look at this particular merchant’s (a demo) detail page. You can get to any merchant’s detail page by clicking “View Merchant”, or by directly typing in http://www.shareasale.com/a-viewmerchant.cfm?MerchantID=#### and replacing those # signs with an actual number.
You can see the 4 listed metrics that are given, as well as links to trend reports for those metrics (see below for details). The 4 metrics given are EPC (100), Reversal Rates, Avg. Commission and Avg. Sale.
EPC (100) is a metric describing how much money is earned per 100 clicks sent to that merchant’s site. The others are pretty self explanatory in terms of the Reversal Rate, Average Commission and Average Sale. If you want to see a merchants history for any of those metrics, then you can click on the yellow highlighted term “View Trend”, and it will take you to a graph similar to this:
A 7 day EPC is calculated based on the past 7 individual days, rolling. So if today is Monday – today’s 7 Day EPC number will include the individual daily EPC’s from Sunday, Sat, Fri, Thu, Wed, Tue and last Monday. Tomorrow’s 7 Day EPC will include today’s number, put together with Sunday, Sat, Fri, Thu, Wed and Tue. And so on. 30 day numbers are calculated in the exact same way, just with more days.
You’ll note from the graph that 7 DAY numbers tend to fluctuate more often than 30 DAY numbers. This will tend to be true just based on just the pure number of dates that go into those calculations, but both numbers will give you an accurate depiction of how the merchant’s program has been performing.
You can view trend information also on the other metrics… check out this merchant’s Reversal Rate trend…
That’s a 0% Reversal Rate trending back 45 days… Not too bad, eh? Login and check em’ out – Merchant: AcmeHardware.com
Hi Brian,
As you said, EPC (100) is a metric describing how much money is earned per 100 clicks sent to that merchant’s site. Does it mean that if we send 100 visitors to the merchants’ site than we’d be earning the quoted EPC price on the merchant’s affiliate program
Nikhil – No, they are estimates. You would earn the commission on sales generated.