This post will probably only make sense to the group of us who has been using Twitter and Facebook in the last year or so in order to communicate our little miniature “status updates” to each other… but it reminded me of a greater issue of making sure to take care of the little things for your customers.
Facebook, (today from what I can tell), removed the “is” from every status update. Like I said, this won’t make sense if you’ve never used it… but it was a little thing that was different from Twitter as Twitter did not include the “is”. For example… if I posted… “Brian is at the movies” on Twitter, it would report just that. But – if I had typed the same thing at Facebook it would say “Brian is is at the movies”. Double “is”.
My point was, that it is definitely a little thing and not worth griping about really…but I’m glad Facebook made such a little change because it makes their little tool easier to use the way I imagine it was intended.
Similarly, we often have things at ShareASale that we know are “broken” but are little things in the grand scope of things. I hereby apologize for all of those “little things” and am going to try to sweep through a bunch of them – as I realized today (again) how important little things are to just generating good will and making you all (our customers) happy with us.
So there ya go… anyone who doubts the longevity of the social marketing space can chalk this one up into the column of “things I’ve learned from Facebook”.
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