On July 1, 2021 ShareASale will update how we send merchant newsletters. In order to improve receipt, organization and visibility on merchant communications to publishers, our platform is changing the way emails are sent on behalf of merchants.
All future merchant newsletters will now be sent from a ShareASale owned domain with the format of:
Where THEMERCHANTSID is replaced with the sender’s merchant ID number. Below shows a sample email sent from merchant ID 44911:
With this change, all newsletter communications from a single merchant will be sent from a single, unique email address. Publishers who are in multiple merchant programs can take advantage of consistent and predictable address formats by using inbox routing rules to sort incoming newsletters from each merchant partner. This allows for better newsletter prioritization and workflows as incoming messages can be routed to specific folders rather simply being delivered to one inbox. Many popular email providers offer rule based emailing routing that can sort incoming messages by email address. Included here are support links to Gmail and Outlook instructions on how to setup email routing.
For publishers, retrieving a list of merchants and their merchant IDs is easy and accessible via the ShareASale interface. To download a list of merchant IDs from within the ShareASale interface, navigate to MERCHANTS > DOWNLOAD YOUR MERCHANT LIST > and click to download your active merchants on this page.
If you have any concerns or questions about potential impacts to your individual account, please contact our team at ShareASale@ShareASale.com.