Publishers can now easily find and use a merchant’s default affiliate link on their profile and the ‘Get Links’ page.

Once you are approved into a Merchant’s program, you can find the Merchant’s Default Link URL on their profile page below the “Get Links” button as shown below. This “Default Link” will be associated with the oldest Creative in the Merchant’s program. If the Merchant has set that specific creative to be defunct, then no Merchant Default Link will display on the profile page.

The Merchant Default Link will also appear at the top of the Get Links page for a Merchant program in which you are approved. See below:

For Merchant Programs with multiple stores via StoresConnect: If you are viewing an individual Store’s profile page or Get Links page (as opposed to the profile or Get Links page for the program as a whole), the Merchant Default Link provided will be associated with the oldest Creative assigned to that store. If there are no creatives assigned to that store, then no Default Link will display.
If you have any concerns or questions about potential impacts to your individual account, please contact our team at