Jump into the new year with some fresh craft ideas and inspiration. For those of us that need a little help, and for all of those crafty minds out there, check out these six ShareASale Merchants with project ideas and products for painting, knitting, photography, stamping and much more!

1. Joggles.com – ID #68994 – 10% Commission
2. Scrapbook.com – ID #7429 – 10% Commission
3. Consumer Crafts – ID #56778 – 8% Commission
4. Minted – ID #17025 – 10-12% Commission + $1 Per Lead
5. Knit Picks – ID #59159 – 10% Commission
6. Blitsy – ID #55703 – 10% Commission
Additional Resources:
Character counting is crucial when it comes to social media posts, which is why almost everyone uses shortened links whenever posting a link. Plus, it just looks WAY prettier. Long URLs are ugly!
A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions. Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. Do you ever dream of living in a Disney movie? Designing your own medieval shield, creating butterfly wings or having your activities come to life through Virtual Reality?
It’s amazing how much junk we can acquire in a year! The New Year is a perfect opportunity to purge your life of things you don’t need and start organizing those overflowing closets, cabinets, and drawers. These ShareASale Merchant programs offer the perfect solutions to organize and minimize the clutter with style. Happy cleaning! 1. …