An easy way to improve the ROI of a ShareASale affiliate program is for Merchants to tag their affiliates by the type of marketing and promotions the partners utilize.
Examples of tags might include: coupon, blogger, PPC, Social, VIP, or AffiliateSummit2018.
While tagging does take extra time at first, the future benefits are more than worthy of your time. Tags are not simply a way to organize your Affiliate groups. They are an enormously powerful tool for reporting, sending bonuses, setting up commission rules, and so much more. Tags give the Merchant full customization of their program and allow the brand to decide how they want to value the various Affiliate relationships.
Using the tags and the associated tools can be especially helpful during Q4 to motivate your partners. Use them to incentivize your stagnant affiliates to get excited to feature your program or give bonuses to your VIP Affiliates for driving over $1,000 worth of sales.
ShareASale provides a number of tools to help every Merchant maximize their programs’ ROI. Be sure to utilize all that are available to improve your program’s performance.