Did you know you could lose out on commissions earned from your Affiliate Marketing methods?
You’re not linking your own personal images to your Affiliate links!
I know, I know, there are many other ways to implement Affiliate links into content, so why would I take an extra step to make my own photographs linkable?
Your visitors will click on the biggest and the brightest pictures in your content. Often, these are the pictures you have taken and inserted yourself! I click on those types of photos when I don’t even mean to sometimes.
There is nothing against the banner ads and product image links that Merchants provide you, but your readers are often more attracted to your own viewpoint of the brand or product.
Almost 9 times out of 10 when I click on personal images in a blog post, I’m taken to the page on the blog where the image is found. I.e. http://schallwegetaway.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/london24.jpg.
This doesn’t help your readers at all!
If you take the extra step to hyperlink that image with a custom Affiliate link, I.e. http://shrsl.com/?e1nh, then they can read up on how to buy a ticket to experience the London Eye themselves!
Here’s how you can start hyperlinking your personal images in WordPress:
1. Click on the photo you’d like to use as your Affiliate link and make sure there is a box around it.
2. Click on the hyperlink icon. It should look something like this in your account:

3. Insert your Affiliate link in the URL tab. You can always create a custom link, or you can take the Click Only URL from the Get Links section in your account. Be sure that your URL starts with HTTP.

*Side tip: Be sure to click the box that you want your link to open in a new tab! This ensures that your blog will stay open and the follower can continue reading your content after they check out the product.
Select ‘Update,’ and you’re all set!
It will look something like this:

You can see I also used text Affiliate links and my image as an Affiliate link. When you hover over the image, the Affiliate link will appear in the lower left-hand side of your blog.
Be sure to create custom links to use for your own images for the product you are displaying. You can go back into your old content to see what you can add more links to. Remember to always do this! It will help you determine what gets the best reaction with your readers, be it your own image links, product links, banners, coupons, or text links.
You never know, this simple change could increase your commissions!