When it comes to our blogger and content partners, we always encourage people to create posts about topics that are familiar to them and about something they love. Why? Because it shows and readers seek authenticity.
It is easy to get caught up in click-bait or to create posts specifically engineered to catch buyers’ attention. Some may operate in a “more-is-better” mentality and saturate posts with text links, unrelated images or flashing sidebar banners in the hopes it will inspire the reader to click. Decisions like this can turn a reader off from your blog. The closer your content can relate to your Affiliate links, the more seamless a transition it will create for your reader.
Think about the tools ShareASale can offer you to add on to your posts to accentuate them, rather than distract away from.
For example, this is a blog I wrote earlier this year about relieving stress while traveling. I knew my post would contain links to Merchants but I didn’t want to overwhelm my readers with too many.
I used the Make-a-Page tool to create a image that contained multiple products links. In my post when I discuss reading materials, I can show off a variety of different products that a Merchant carries. The Affiliate can then choose from these products in one spot, rather than myself having to make multiple links. This tool saves me time when creating my blog and is more user-friendly for the readers overall. Please see below for the example.

Another great tool I like to use on my blog is the ShareASale Deals Bar. This WordPress plugin is fantastic for bloggers to run on their pages showing specific deals from the Merchants they have partnered with.
Since I run a blog that centers around my love of traveling, you will see many travel deals from ShareASale Merchants inside a bar on my posts. Again, this doesn’t distract the reader from my writing but is a way to enhance my blog posts and monetize them when the reader has finished as the bar follows the reader as they scroll. You can see an example below.

So remember, use the resources that ShareASale has available to you to accentuate your writing. Write what you love and use ShareASale tools like Make-a-Page, Product Showcase, ShareASale DealsBar and many more. Make it easy to highlight specific items for your readers and easily monetize your blog at the same time without overdoing it!