Imagine being stranded on a desert island. What would you want to have with you the most? We challenged our newest ShareASale employee, Alex, to come up with his survival guide list using ShareASale Merchant products. We think that he will be set for the long haul! Check out the items he couldn’t survive without:
1. A Fully Equipped Beer Machine by The Beer Machine Co.
Merchant ID: 15132 – 16% Commission Per Sale – 120 Day Cookie
The most important item – a Beer Machine! This amazing contraption takes powdered mix and makes it into beer. What more could you possibly need for an unintended extended beach vacay? (As long as it comes with lots of powdered mix!)
2. A Beef Jerky Combo Pack courtesy of Jerky Snob
Merchant ID: 60949 – $40 Per Sale – 90 Day Cookie
Everyone knows beef jerky has the highest density of electrolytes and protein. Mouth watering and sweet, this seems like a perfect treat to keep you alive and content for at least a few weeks. Better yet, these come vacuum sealed so you never have to worry about running out of rations.
3. A Fancy Stars and Stripes Summer Suit from
Merchant ID: 68144 – 5% Commission Per Sale – 30 Day Cookie
No matter where you are stranded, it’s important to make sure you stay cool, and better yet, classy, so I wouldn’t want to be caught without my stars and stripes shorts suit set. Plus, when the US Coast Guard comes to rescue you, you better be sure they see you in this fresh outfit, showing your American pride.
4. A Convertible Tent by Eastern Mountain Sports
Merchant ID: 62347 – $40 Per Sale – 0 Day Cookie
Whether you’re trying to escape bugs or rain, this makeshift home has your back. Staying warm or staying cool is just a matter of pulling a zipper. An Added Bonus: the rain canopy can double as a water collector for the beer machine!
5. A Go-Pro PLUS Selfie Mount by Kona Sports
Merchant ID: 7231 – 10% Commission – 60 Day Cookie
With a waterproof, shockproof Go-Pro, you can make sure to commemorate your eternity of awesome loneliness. After all, you have to have some way to show everyone how amazing your vacation was once you’re rescued.
6. Tackle Box from River Bum
Merchant ID: 10090 – 7% Commission Per Sale – 120 Day Cookie
A well equipped fishing kit will do wonders when you’re trying to get all those sharks to stop circling your island. (and when all of the jerky has run out)