Blogging takes a lot of hard work and perseverance. Bloggers can accumulate years of blog posts before their website gains a significant amount of traffic. That means, a lot of their posts may have gone completely unnoticed. Building community takes time. But, you have already spent huge amounts of time writing great blog posts and the last thing you want is for your content to be unseen.
Make sure that ALL your hard work gets seen. Sometimes all it takes is bringing an old post back to life or giving it a little extra something. Here are some ideas to get you started:
Repeat Great Content
If a post did really well and drove you lots of traffic, do it again! Find ways to repost it (by expanding on it) or re-blast it on social media. Evergreen content should be brought back into the light because chances are, people will still love it.
Expand on Old Posts
Maybe you have old posts that were good, but not great. Take a look at it and find ways to improve on it. Perhaps all an old post needs is a little facelift, such as additional content, images or quotes. The layout of the post might be hard to read, so spruce it up a bit or update the information to make sure that it is relevant and up-to-date.
Cross-Link Your Posts
Take a look at your older posts and determine if there are places where you can link to some of your other posts. Cross-linking helps your readers stay on your website, increase visibility traffic and hopefully, conversions.
Break Up Lists into Individual Posts
Posts with lists can be broken up into individual post! Think of all the content ideas you can have from all these lists that you already have! By creating a more in depth post, you can also use cross-linking (mentioned above) from the list to the individual post. Repurpose old content by multiplying it into brand new information for your readers.
Optimize Past Posts with Affiliate Links
Chances are, you already have tons of fantastic content which is just waiting for you to monetize it! Implementing affiliate links is just one great way to optimize your past posts to make you some money! There are several different ways that you can optimize old posts with Affiliate links.