Continuing on our Daily Blog Project for 2013, this month (April) will be themed “By The Numbers”.
What does this mean? You’ll see a blog post every day featuring statistics, numbered lists, dates – basically anything with numbers! We hope you enjoy and I’ll start with a collection of random statistics!
“What do you consider fair?” from the AffStat Survey
“What do you consider fair?” from the AffStat Survey
Segmentation and Attribution in an Affiliate Program
Segmentation and Attribution in an Affiliate Program – From Brian Litttleton, Performance Marketing Summit 2013 New York City
Personalized Commission Rules available on ShareASale
Personalized Commission Rules available on ShareASale
New Merchants in March on ShareASale
New Merchants in March on ShareASale
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Governor Quinn Abolishes Affiliate Marketing in Illinois | ShareASale BlogPosted by Brian Littleton on Mar 10, 2011 in Brian Littleton | 51 comments
We hope you enjoy our series #ByTheNumbers – check back tomorrow and every business day this month for a new update!
“40% the number of Affiliate related transactions that include multiple clicks in the clickstream.” – just seems like an unbelievably high number that will most likely benefit the late into the party referrals.
Good thing SAS has a leapfrog feature, personally I would not consider any other network as an affiliate because of it.