Official time and place for the ShareASale RoadShow in New York City is…
We will be in attendance from Sunday August 9th, thru the end of the show on Tuesday August 11th. If you are attending the Affiliate Summit please make sure to stop by our “ShareASale Square” where we feature 10 merchants during the Meet Market on Sunday, or at our Booth during the Exhibit Hall Monday or Tuesday.
We are also hosting a fun filled party event on Sunday August 9th – Details on that to follow… stay tuned.
Where is the NYC road show/affilite summit taking place ? We’re new affiliate and exploring merchant program(s) for a few of our site(s) and might like to send someone to the NYC “booth” for shareasale.
We are going to be at the Affiliate Summit which is going to be held at the NYC Hilton August 9th – 11th
Look forward to seeing you there!