Greetings everyone, just a quick post to let you know of the initial sections of the Affiliate API being released today for use.
You man run an API request by directing your server to make calls to ours accompanied by a list of parameters. These parameters are required to run reports properly, and each report has more detailed information on each parameter when you login.
Reports available include Activity Details, Timespan Reports, Today’s Stats, Void Trails, Merchant Status, along with several others.
If you login to your Affiliate Account, you’ll see the API Manager listed in the “Tools” section.
Great to see an api … are there any plans to make it also product related so we can call the api instead of downloading the datafeeds?
Reason why I ask is that I am on the verge of releasing an affiliate tool that will use a lot of affiliatenetworks and I wanted to include SAS but the datafeeds kept me from going with it yet.
This certainly got me excited being waiting for this one. I am amazed at the ability of web services.I just created an sotre using Amazon’s API and it blew me away at the possibilities that it gives the affiliates to create a brand of their own.Looking forward to SAS Webservices.
Is it possible to get API for any merchant. I have website and I would like to get price update from API. I mean I would like to use API to update product price from merchant.
Suggest in REST format. Please help.
I need to get API for Coupons and deals. Is there any API available to support my website.
This really excited me. I was waiting for this one for a long time. it has raised a new hope for me. Is there any API for Coupons and deals. I want to support my website.
Thanks for this API! very nice web service!
as an affiliate of Hyundai and Kia OEM parts and accessories. They continue to me
via Shareasale all of their news updates for their affiliates.I think it is great.
can they direct link to our site when updates occur?