To streamline datafeed creation and editing, we have added two new tools to the Datafeed Management page.

On the Datafeed Management page (Creatives > Datafeed), the first new tool can now control the Category and Subcategory defaults. These defaults are used for the Category and Subcategory columns (9 & 10) if those columns are left blank for any product’s row. When these defaults are assigned, leaving these columns blank will no longer cause an uploaded datafeed file to fail.
Moving forward we will also be storing the last 2 datafeed files uploaded into a merchant’s program. These can be found and downloaded from the ‘Latest Uploaded Files’ box at the top of the Datafeed Management page. The upload date is noted next to the file name to assist merchants in deciphering between uploads. When editing the datafeed, a merchant can use this feature to download the current datafeed file, make the necessary edits, and then upload the edited file.

Ultimately, we hope that these changes will save our merchant partners valuable time and increase the success rate of each datafeed upload.
If you have any concerns or questions your individual account, please contact our team at