Many bloggers are concerned with finding new ways to strategically place affiliate links into their site. However, one affiliate strategy that is sometimes overlooked is leveraging social media to increase affiliate revenue. Promoting affiliate links on your social media channels can boost conversions and ultimately your bottom line.
To maximize your potential profit there are a few general rules to follow when promoting affiliate links on social media:
1. Be authentic – not promotional.
The goal of all content is to provide valuable information that will inspire your reader. Affiliate links should be strategically placed into the content and come off naturally. Affiliate marketing works best when there’s trust between the audience and the content creator. Utilizing affiliate links in an organic way aid in building brand trust. Unauthentic and salesy content will turn off the reader.
2. Always disclose.
The FTC requires that affiliate marketers using social media and internet to disclose their financial relationship to the mentioned brands or products. It is recommended to place a clear disclosure in the social media post such as writing “#AD” or “Affiliate Link” in the primary caption. Disclosure needs to be placed where it can be easily noticed. The FTC is very serious about regulations and guidelines, so it’s important to adhere to the guidelines to be transparent with your audience and avoid legal punishment.
Share only shortened affiliate links on social media in order for links to be easily remembered or clicked by the reader and take less character count. For an easy way to grab affiliate links, use ShareASale’s Custom Link Generator tool. This tool will allow you to create a custom URL which can easily be copied and pasted into your social media channels. Also, ensure you are tracking how each affiliate link performs on each social media channel by using aff track tracking.
Now, that we have covered the basics of using affiliate links on social media, let’s explore best practices on each social media channel:
According to a Pew research, Facebook users access the platform more often than any other social network. Recently, Facebook revealed their new algorithm prioritizes active interactions such as commenting and sharing over likes and click-throughs. Bloggers need to now focus on creating engagement and conversation. Use affiliate links when speaking about a product and make sure you’re asking the reader for feedback or a question. This will boost engagement and in turn your post will be viewed by more users.
Instagram is one of the most popular platforms among bloggers. With its visual aesthetics and hashtags, it is easy to market products and join conversations. At least 30% of Instagram users have purchased a product they discovered on Instagram. There are three main options in using affiliate links on your Instagram profile. If you have more than 10K followers, you can post a story and place an affiliate link in the ‘swipe up’ feature. Another option is to share product demos, reviews, unboxing or a behind the scenes picture and place an affiliate link in the picture description. Thirdly, you can input an affiliate link in the Instagram bio link and direct users to that link. Here a few other general tips for your Instagram profile.
Pinterest is the destination for new ideas, DIY projects, cooking recipes and other inspiration. With a stronger spam detection system, Pinterest now allows affiliate links. Pinterest is a great way to showcase your favorite outfits, products, blog posts and more. You can place the affiliate link in the website section of the image description. Another good idea is to create a few boards based around product categories, gift guides, or favorite products. Here’s a visual Pinterest walkthrough for more guidance.
Around 70% of Snapchat’s users are under 34 years old. There are no hashtags or reposts on Snapchat which limit creativity. The first step before promoting affiliate links is building your following. Promote your snapchat profile on your other social media channels and on your blog. On Snapchat, you can place a referral link on any snap. It works just like Instagram stories however you do not need 10K followers or a verified account. Use Snapchat to share behind the scenes looks, product teasers of upcoming products, and promote any sales. Snapchat is more personal than other social networks so make sure you’re always speaking to your reader and sharing videos than just images.
Supporting more than 40 languages, 79% of Twitter users are located outside of the United States. With a more international base of users, Twitter is the perfect platform to join global conversations and reach consumers outside of the United States.
Because Twitter is based around conversations, it’s critical to share things that you’re passionate about and build relationships based on your reader’s interests. Remember it’s important not to sell but give genuine recommendations and be conversational.
Social media is a great way to promote your blog posts, share your interests, and make connections. Strategically using affiliate links within your profile and posts is a great monetization exercise that can boost your blog’s affiliate income.