Finding the right Merchant programs to join or products to feature is an important and critical step for any affiliate. With new brands joining our network each month, sifting through potential partnerships should become a routine process. Searching can definitely take time as you deliberate which retailers would be a good fit for your site and your audience.
The good news, though, is that our Merchant Search provides an easier and more streamlined way to first search and save, then apply to join later.
By using the “Favorites” feature, affiliates can add retailers or specific products to a Favorites List while they are still searching and take action later, after their search is done. Instead of interrupting the search process to individually join programs, a Favorites List allows you to apply to a group of programs all at once instead of one by one.
*Pro Tip: Use these Favorites Lists to plan out future posts by gathering product links or brands that you know you’d like to feature.
How to Favorite Merchants
As you find brands or products that you like, simply click the star on the right-hand side of the search result and indicate which Favorite List it should be added to, or create a new list.
Once you are done, you’ll find all your Favorites underneath the Merchant Search Categories. Select the list you want to view and it will show every brand and product that you starred and put in that list.
From the Favorites List view, there are many options, including emailing, downloading, applying to all programs (which you aren’t already approved for), or getting links.
All of these options will save you time and energy when organizing and planning your affiliate strategy.