ShareASale has various opportunities to promote our merchants! We want to help your program stand out, be attractive, and appeal to affiliates.
One way we do this is by including your logo in various places on the affiliate interface or within our tools. Nothing is more recognizable to consumers than a brand’s logo, which is why it is extra important to upload all the requested sizes in your account!
Don’t let your brand get lost among all of the other merchants. Providing your logo is a super easy way to provide a little extra exposure for your brand.
We request your logo in five specific sizes and there is a reason for each! Here is a quick rundown of how each will look from the Affiliate’s perspective.
1. Main Logo
When affiliates click through to your program details, your main logo will display at the top of the page.

2. Search Results Logo
As affiliates are searching for new programs to join, a logo can draw their eyes to your program!

3. Product Showcase Logo – Small
This is simply the typical view of a Product Showcase, a dynamic tool used by affiliates to creatively display merchant products.

4. Product Showcase Logo – Popout
When a product is clicked on a Product Showcase, it pops out to provide further information, including the Merchant logo!

5. ShareASale Merchant Match
We use this tool internally to recommend Merchants to current or potential affiliates.

Upload all your Internal Logo Files!