The busyness of the holiday season always seems to make us forget that the end of another year is just around the corner!
It seems as if we were just talking about how quickly last year went and then… BAM! Another year has come and (almost) gone.
We recognize that some people can’t even start to think about the new year yet because they are focusing on just trying to get through this year. Here are some great tips for not only surviving this holiday season but setting yourself and your blog up for success during the new year!
The year isn’t over yet and, as tempting as it seems, you can’t just ignore your blog for the rest of the year. Coming up with content and posts during this time can be sometimes be tough. If your “creativity tank” is running on empty or just a little bit low at the end of the year, we got you covered!
Gift Guides
Tis the season, right? It is safe to say that people are searching for gift ideas or inspiration, which is why gift guides are so popular. Adding some of your own gift guides or your own wish list is sure to attract your readers.
Blog Brainstorm
This series is made to help you brainstorm for the upcoming month. We show you some of the most common search keywords with example blog titles, upcoming holidays, event in pop culture and even some Merchants to go along! Use these posts to fuel or guide your own brainstorming.
Must-Have Merchants
Our seasonal Must-Have Merchant posts feature some of our favorite retailers who go along with the theme. Use them to find some new Merchant partners or to inspire a post of your own!
Surviving the rest of the holiday seasons is definitely step one, but this is the time to also make sure that you can set your blog up for success in the new year!
The start of a new calendar year is a great time to refocus and realign your goals for the upcoming months – both personally and professionally. Whether you work individually or as part of a team, a SWOT analysis is a great starting point to forge a successful 2016.
Set Blogolutions
The new year often sparks new ideas, plans, and of course, resolutions. Maybe some people want to eat healthier, exercise more or visit a new destination…or do more for your blog! Set resolutions, or blogolutions, that will help you reach new levels for your blog this upcoming year.
Re-establish Your Niche
Your blog’s niche is the foundation for your website – your URL, logo, your site’s navigation and structure, and everything else is built upon this decision. Just as you should check in on your house’s foundation every once in a while, it is also important to evaluate your niche to make sure it is keeping your blog as structurally sound as possible.
Although we know that many people are just trying to make it through another holiday season, don’t just survive this holiday season – set yourself to come out on top for the new year!