You may have fallen off the New Years resolution wagon last year, so why not start with a clean slate this year? The number one resolution for many is improving their health and overall fitness. Use these ShareASale Merchant programs to inspire your readers and get them off the couch and in shape for 2017!
1. IdealShape – ID #51109 – 8-20% Commission
2. Noom – ID #67359 – $30 Per Sale Commission
3. – ID #8100 – 10% Commission
4. ChallengeBox – ID #63268 – 5% Commission
5. Bulu Box – ID #49847 – 30% Commission
6. Hurom – ID #63963 – 12% Commission
Additional Resources:
Bloggers are some of the hardest working people out there (we could be a little biased). Many bloggers maintain their blogs in addition to a 9-to-5, full-time job. That means at the end of the day they don’t come home and “chill.” They don’t sit on the couch and veg out or relax.
Consider this: Most consumers will wait about 3 seconds for a website to load on a desktop or laptop and about 5 seconds on their mobile device. Amazon found that if their pages slow down by 1 second, they lose $1.6 billion a year.
How to Take Better iPhone Photos for Your Blog or Website Brand marketers and bloggers rely heavily on photos and graphics as part of their content strategy because images appeal quickly to readers’ emotions. Social media platforms recognize this impact and reward users who create this type of content.