$20 per Sale 60 Day Tracking Gap Business Category |
$12 per Sale 60 Day Tracking Gap Gourmet Category |
40% per Sale 60 Day Tracking Gap Webmaster Tools Category |
Design made easy by DesignMantic! Pop in a description of your business and let their software build you logo options. The best part, DesignMantic offers tons of printing services, thus making DesignMantic a one stop design and swag creation station. Bloggers in the business services space will definitely snap up DesignMantic’s offer. |
SumoJerky wrestles the competition away by offering a subscription jerky delivery service. We see this snack box being very popular in an office setting. Foodie and gifting bloggers will snap up SumoJerky’s scrumptious products. |
Orange Themes sells beautiful and responsive WordPress themes. They have a subscription access that provides updates on existing themes. We appreciate the fact that Orange Themes has their own blog to give other bloggers and business tips on site construction. We see bloggers in the business and WordPress tools fields tipping their hat to Orange Theme’s offer. |