ShareASale Storefronts provide a solution for the lesser tech-savvies of the world by targeting schools and non-profit organizations and helping to supplement their funding. If potential fundraisers are low on time, or unfamiliar with web hosting, ShareASale can set them up with a landing page Storefront in just a matter of minutes. They raise funds while friends and family shop their favorite online brands!
Some of the benefits for Merchants include:
- Targeting non-traditional Affiliates to expand your program.
- Non-traditional Affiliates promoting their Storefront which taps into a network of motivated buyers.
- Recruit hyper-niche partners and gain better exposure in small community groups.
- Engage easily in cause-marketing campaigns.
Storefront Example

If you are a Merchant and interested in setting up a Storefront, email us at Shareasale@shareasale.com.
6 Tools Bloggers Should Be Using! If you have been following our blog closely over the past couple years, you may remember our previous post called ‘5 Tools Every Affiliate Should Use on ShareASale.’ Well, I have good news for you Affiliates out there! ShareASale recently added and made improvements to our Affiliate and blogger-friendly …
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