Just a quick post to announce a new feature on ShareASale… our newly minted “Make-A-Video” tool which allows merchants to quickly create fully clickable video creatives complete with customizable “Cue points” which launch sidebars of relevant product information.
See for yourself by clicking on our demo, or come out and see us at our booth (#918) at the upcoming Affiliate Summit…

Enjoy! I look forward to seeing what you all can come up with!
This is some awesome news! Our new video is now in production…
We currently run video ads for the site but this technology is much more advanced.I can’t wait to see the cue technology in action.
I my opinion this puts SAS that much further ahead of the competition in a race that they are already leading!
Way to go guys!!!
I have definitely been waiting for this! We have been having a lot of fun adding videos that we have made ourselves to our site. But we have been lacking videos made by the SAS merchants themselves. I think the combination of the two should lead to great conversions.
Excellent news! I can’t wait to add to all of my sites.
Sweet! I’ll be adding our videos ASAP.
WOW this looks like a phenomenal tool! I can’t wait to use it as a publisher :D
This is a great addition to the SAS system. Certainly puts the network another step ahead of the majority of other networks out there
Is there a place where I can see which merchants are using video instead of having to go merchant by merchant searching?
Sorry it took me so long, I think I just answered your question with the most recent blog post…. In your account, look under “Get Links” for a link called “Get Videos” …
Also – you can make your own videos as an Affiliate now, and make cue points for different merchants, etc…